Friday, April 20, 2012

Yum Yum Yum

Here are a few things I noticed after getting out of my relationship
1) I was entirely spoiled by delicious food (restaurant and homemade) nearly every night as my partner was an incredible foodie
2) I thus gained about 15 pounds
3) I can no longer afford to go out to eat (my partner made a lot more than I did and would pay for most meals)

Now, I’m not overly concerned about the weight gain (thank you new curves!) BUT I am definitely not as healthy as I used to be. Plus, my new neighborhood is filled with delicious food though not very healthy varieties of Chinese and Latino cooking. Finally, I really cannot afford to go out to eat all of the time for lunch at work and thus i began COOKING.

This is shocking to me, the girl who grew up on frozen pizza’s and cup of soup, who has MAYBE cooked 5 full meals in my entire life but, get this, I am actually really loving it!

Here is my new Monday night routine:

Image1) look up recipes at Skinny Taste (my new favorite website for clear, delicious, healthy recipes!)
2) Go grocery shopping, go home and throw rice in rice cooker
3) Short workout at nearby gym
4) COOK for 3ish hours while either catching up on horrible TV or listening to back episodes of This American Life
Pretty veggies!
So far I have only sustained one horrible injury (my self made tourniquet made stitches unnecessary  ) and have only had one real dish failure (never using “smart taste pasta again, ew!”) but for three weeks now i have made delicious meals that have lasted the whole week (lunch and dinner!) and cost, on average, a total of $35 dollars (a little more because I had no basic ingrediants, ie flour )
Really proud of myself :) Soon maybe I’ll post my favorite recipes!

Lowfat homemade mozzarella sticks!

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